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Clearing decisions available for public appeal

 Most of our decisions on clearing matters under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 may be appealed. Appeals must be lodged in writing within 21 calendar days of the applicant/permit holder being notified of the decision.

The types of decisions that members of the public can appeal are when we:

  • grant or undertake to grant a new clearing permit – including those we assess in accordance with the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 under the assessment bilateral agreement
  • amend an existing clearing permit (other than an administrative amendment, such as to correct clerical errors or to implement a ministerial determination).

Decisions currently open for public appeal are listed in the table below.

The table does not include decisions when members of the public cannot appeal. These include where we:

  • refuse a permit or refuse to amend a permit
  • accept a permit surrender or grant a transfer
  • grant a permit pursuant to an undertaking to grant
  • make a determination on a clearing referral.

The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS) makes decisions to grant or amend clearing permits related to mineral and petroleum activities. Those decisions currently available for appeal are listed on the DMIRs website.

For further information, including how to lodge an appeal, go to the Office of the Appeal Convenor’s website.

The relevant application form, final decision report, and granted or amended permit (as applicable) for appealable decisions are available via the links below.

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Permit Holder Location Details LGA Permit Type Clearing Purpose Size (ha) Decision Date Bilateral Agreement Related Documents Clearing Permit System link
SE Waroona Development Pty Ltd Lot 24 and 25 on Plan 59266, and Road Reserves (PINs 11601195 and 11601194) Waroona Shire of Waroona Amended Purpose Amended Permit - extend permit duration - constructing a solar farm 8.8 04/03/2025 No


CPS 8758/2

Australian Western Railroad Pty Ltd Lot 511 and 512 on Deposited Plan 41203, Kwinana Beach City of Kwinana Purpose Expansion of rail depot operations 1.29 04/03/2025 No


CPS 10888/1

Regional Power Corporation, trading as Horizon Power Various locations within the Shires of Meekatharrra, Yalgoo, Sandstone, and Wiluna Shires of Meekatharra, Yalgoo, Sandstone, and Wiluna Purpose Installing renewable energy infrastructure and supporting infrastructure 42.6 04/03/2025 No


CPS 10807/1

Roger Raymond Lot 2 on Diagram 54900 and Carter Road road reserve (PIN 11476575), Wilyabrup City of Busselton Purpose Power pole and powerline installation for a residential dwelling 0.015 06/03/2025 No


CPS 10873/1

City of Swan Lot 501 on Deposited Plan 416416, Caversham City of Swan Purpose Realigning culverts 0.01 10/03/2025 No


CPS 10753/1

Regional Power Corporation, Trading as Horizon Power Lot 9 on Deposited Plan 91722, Blackstone/Papulankutja Shire of Ngaanyatjarra Purpose Constructing Blackstone Power station and Solar Farm 3.87 10/03/2025 No


CPS 10789/1

Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes Strathmore Road reserve (PIN 11530498), Winnejup Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes Area Farming machinery access 10 Trees 12/03/2025 No


CPS 10855/1

Regional Power Corporation, trading ass Horizon Power Lot 75 on Deposited Plan 213140, Lot 1500 on Deposited Plan 75877 and Myroodah-Luluigui Road Reserve (PIN 1157372), Camballin Shire of Derby-West Kimberley Purpose Geotechnical works and renewable energy infrastructure installation 4.1 12/03/2025 No


CPS 10858/1

Perth Airport Pty Ltd Lot 13631 on Deposited Plan 219513, Perth Airport City of Belmont Purpose Construction of a new airport runway 3.11 13/03/2025 No


CPS 10851/1

Regional Power Corporation, trading as Horizon Power Multiple land parcels, Menzies, Gascoyne Junction, and Nullagine Shire of Upper Gascoyne, Shire of Menzies, Shire of Pilbara Purpose Installation of renewable energy infrastructure and supporting infrastructure 12.95 14/03/2025 No


CPS 10874/1

Phosphate Resources Limited trading as Christmas Island Phosphates' Mining Lease - MC1 70/1A Christmas Island Shire of Christmas Island Amended Purpose Amended Permit - extend the permit duration and update conditions of the permit - Phosphate mining, stockpile access and exploration 222.61 14/03/2025 No


CPS 4506/4

Regional Power Corporation, trading as Horizon Power Within multiple land parcels, Menzies, Gascoyne Junction, and Nullagine Shire of Upper Gascoyne, Menzies and Pilbara Purpose Installation of renewable energy infrastructure and supporting infrastructure 12.95 14/03/2025 No


CPS 10874/1

City of Rockingham Lot 444 on Deposited Plan 922779, Rockingham City of Rockingham Purpose Boat ramp and beach access path upgrades 0.027 19/03/2025 No


CPS 10843/1

Phosphate Resources Limited trading as Christmas Island Phosphates Mining Lease - MC1 70/1A Christmas Island Shire of Christmas Island Purpose Phosphate mining, stockpile access and exploration 219.69 14/03/2025 No


CPS 4506/4

Tronox Management Pty Ltd Munbinea Road Reserve (PIN 11675270), Jurien Bay Shire of Dandaragan Purpose Upgrading an existing crossover 0.09 24/03/2025 No


CPS 10700/1

Co-operative Bulk Handling Limited Lot 101 on Deposited Plan 65758, Railway reserve (PIN 1050583) and Mullewa-Wubin road reserve (PIN 11663187), Perenjori Shire of Perenjori Purpose constructing railway siding and outloading infrastructure 2.5 24/03/2025 No


CPS 10589/1

Public Transport Authority of Western Australia Land ID 3557417 (Rail Reserve PIN 11525945) Soldiers Road, Byford Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale Purpose Upgrade train signalling infrastructure 0.008 25/03/2025 No


CPS 10736/1

March 26, 2025: 12:26 pm