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  • L8577/2011/2
  • Decision

    Decision Report

    Report - dated 2013

    Report - dated 2016

    Report - dated 2022

  • Type Licence
  • Holder Mincor Operations Pty Ltd
  • Premises name Miitel & Mariners Mines
  • Location details Norseman-Coolgardie Highway, Mining Tenements M15/83, M15/85, M15/91, M15/92, M15/93, M15/543, M15/667, M15/668 and L15/243
  • Suburb WIDGIEMOOLTHA WA 6443
  • Local Government Coolgardie Shire
  • Date issued 2024-07-12
  • Date commenced 2024-07-15
  • Date of expiry 2044-07-14
  • Category
    6 - Mine dewatering
    85 - Sewage facility
    89 - Putrescible landfill site
  • Comment Appeal period commences 15 July 2024